In the coming weeks, Therese will play two Korean Grand Prix tournaments with a total of five participants. In addition to Jieun-Han, Jina Kim and Shinyoung Lee, Sruong Pheavy will also play.
The two Korean tournaments are hosted by Five & Six New Carom (partner of the UMB) and will be played in the studios of MBC, Korea’s largest TV station. The players play a full competition against each other of three sets won (sets of 7 caroms). The numbers one and two in the ranking then play against each other in the final to five sets won.
Programm Korean Grand Prix
The first tournament will be played from Tuesday January 12th to Sunday January 17th, the second tournament from Tuesday January 19th to Sunday January 25th. Therese will play at least at 6:00 PM Korean time on Wednesday the 13th, Thursday the 14th and Friday 15 January. The matches can be followed on YouTube. Further developments and results can also be followed via the official facebook page of Therese.